Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Mayr's Medea in Corinth with Marisa Galvany

Marisa Galvany in the title role of Medea by Simon Mayr. Galvanising performance (pun completely intended), low notes, focussed middle, ringing high, taking the final 'discernerà!' up an octave up to a high d'''! 

A Soprano sfogato with 3-octave range from low E (in an aria written for Malibran) to high E (numerous occasions, notably in I Puritani and another scene from Mayr Medea), Galvany is a very underrated singer. The coloratura craze was as eminent in the 1960 and 70s as it is today, with people preferring 3rd class coloraturas such as Renata Scotto over true sopranoes sfogato such as Galvany. (Apologise for the coloratura bashing...) 

This particular aria got me through that EEG on the 23rd (coincidentally the birthday of Edita Scooperova-erm, Gruberova), as well as a particularly noisy location with a lot of sensory assaults (I shall not go into detail, let's just say that I had a meltdown before the Galvany came out). Galvany is quickly becoming more and more admired by me and others. With that being said, Bravissima Marisa!!!

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